While there are lots of ways to enjoy winter, shoveling is not on my top ten list. It causes immense shoulder pain for me and interferes with my ability to work so I hire the plow guy. Money well spent! That is my best shoveling advice. You pay me more than you pay them if you injure yourself. While I definitely appreciate the business, I’d rather see you healthy.
If you insist on taking care of your driveway yourself, please follow these simple tips for safe shoveling that doesn't cause injuries.
1) Push the snow, don’t lift it. 2) If you have to lift it, lift with your knees and keep your core muscles tight and contracted. 3) Switch sides regularly so you aren’t always tiring out the same shoulder. 4) Not all shovels are created equal. I like the shovel with the bend in it. It makes is easier ergonomically.
5) Shovel frequently so you don’t have to lift big amounts at once.
6) Leaf blowers work great on light fluffy snow. 7) Put the kids to work. Really, those hockey and dance payments need to be re-cooped some way!
If you don’t listen to my advice, I will be seeing you soon. If you do feel injured or pain that doesn’t go away after 24 hours, just remember that prompt treatment helps injuries heal quicker. The patients who wait heal much slower. Now, get out there and go skiing, snow shoeing or dog walking, just say NO to shoveling. You are welcome to book online and I'll do whatever I can to help: https://www.activefamilychiropractic.com/book-online