A multitude of electronic devices cause neck pain and tingling hands. Personally I have a smart phone, Ipad, kindle and several laptops. I am a non-techie person and find it rare to not find my devices acting like the world’s best temptress. The more I use them, the more my neck hurts. I can’t quite imagine what it must be like for the techie people who find not only their work but hobbies revolving around the computer and devices.
The number one key I have found from working as a chiropractor in Plymouth for 24 years to avoiding neck pain and headaches caused by your electronic devices is to take frequent breaks from using them. In a perfect world, you should only stare at a screen for a maximum of 15 minutes before you move around and do something else. While this might not be realistic during the work day, simply do your best to take frequent breaks and make sure to follow this rule at home.
My number two tip for combating pain caused by electronic devices is to get out in the middle of the day and do something active. If it simply means leaving the office to get lunch, go on a walk or take time for a workout, taking a break from sitting down is critical. It helps your body feel better, helps you manage your stress and gives you breaks in your day to allow your mind to be creative.

As for specific device tips, if you are typing emails on ipads, keep them short and don’t use your hands as you would a traditional keyboard. The hunt and peck method will make your keyboarding teacher cringe but your wrists and elbows will thank you. If you spend a lot of time reading on your kindle, you will also feel better if you turn it horizontally and put it in landscape mode. If you love reading and it is your main hobby, I would encourage you to get the giant kindle versus the purse size one that I have. It’s easier to hang on to, will strain your elbows and wrists less and is easier to prop up against something to see from a distance. When it comes to smart phones, I would suggest evaluating how much time you spend looking down at it and if its really that important that it can’t wait until you get to your computer. Here is a short video on how to prevent and help "text neck". Don’t read long documents on your smart phone, don’t respond to long emails, and limit your gaming time.
The most important thing to remember is that when you are using your devices, you aren’t interacting with other human beings and forming healthy relationships. Don’t let your devices come between you and the people in your life that you enjoy and love. On top of that, while your devices might make things convenient for you, they are also keeping you from being active and healthy. It’s tough to get exercise if you won’t pry yourself away from the screen.
If you find yourself with neck pain, headaches or tingling hands, you probably have nerves that are getting irritated. Looking for a trusted chiropractor near me? Our expert Plymouth chiropractor provides personalized care to relieve pain and improve your wellness, right in the heart of Plymouth, MN.
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