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Lori Goodsell
Feb 262 min read
Spring Tips for Back Pain: How Wellness Chiropractic Helps
Here are a few tips to improve your spinal health and back pain. Slowly easing into a new activity or exercise program is the key.

Lori Goodsell
Sep 25, 20242 min read
Avoiding back pain from raking and other fall tasks
Helpful tips for keeping your back healthy when you are raking leaves, winterizing the cabin taking out your dock.

Lori Goodsell
Sep 18, 20222 min read
Lower Back Pain from Sitting
Lower back pain is the most common complaints that chiropractors address. Lower back pain from sitting seems inescapable. Here are tips.

Lori Goodsell
Oct 14, 20202 min read
When your back goes out on you, what should you do?
When your back goes out on you, it is painful, debilitating and inconvenient. When your back goes out on you, its common to curl up on...
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